According to the directives announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, the compulsory electronic prescription has become mandatory in all diagnostic and medical centers of the country until November 1400, and from this date on, no non-electronic prescriptions will be accepted in the country, and if the prescription is not electronic, the cost of treatment will not be given to the offices, medical imaging centers and all centers that provide health services.
Also, changing the price and increasing medical tariffs in all medical centers requires electronic prescription, so physicians should take necessary measures to activate their online prescription.

What is the electronic version for medical imaging?
The presence of insurance paperbooks in people’s hands until years ago was a necessity for taking an imaging appointment. This means that your doctor would write an MRI or CT scan or any other scan in the insurance notebook according to your diagnosis, and the patient could take an insurance scan through this paper version.
But this year, the government announced, according to a directive, that from November 1400 onwards, instead of paper copies, electronic copies will be compulsory in all diagnostic and medical centers of the country, and from now on no non-electronic version (or paper) will be accepted in these centers, and if there is no electronic prescription, the cost of scans will not be given to medical imaging centers.
So the obvious thing is that your paper diary is no longer effective for medical scans. But the point that is somewhat unspetched is how to get an appointment from the centres if they are not going to be in paperbooks or if you can get insurance. The answer to this question is nothing but the electronic version. But what is this new electronic version and what works?
In this new method, the responsibility for registering and issuing an electronic prescription is the responsibility of the physician, or at least it can be said that the health department is responsible. That is, you used to put your notebook on the doctor’s desk and the doctor would write down your needs in Mani and diagnostics to perform a scan or prescribe the drug in it, stamp and deliver it to you.
Today, however, the physician must first register in the electronic version registration system of health insurance and social security insurance, and then use prescription systems to write electronic copies online. The doctor first records the patient’s national code in the system, then the insurance information system shows whether the person is covered by insurance and what insurance he has, and the patient’s e-health record will also be shown to the doctor.
With this electronic version registration, you can book a medical imaging appointment using your national code from any imaging center in a medical scan.
However, be sure to note that your electronic prescription is registered by your doctor or staff. Because sometimes it occurs that this electronic version is not inadvertently or even intentionally loaded into the system and the patient realizes after the scan that the insurance does not pay for his scan.
Of course, if you receive an imaging appointment through a medical scan, experts from the contracting centers will provide you with a completely necessary guidance to remove the barriers to receiving premiums.
So if you are looking for a completely free medical imaging appointment from the nearest center to your location, use the scan link to this page without any concerns.
Link to download frequently asked questions about the electronic version
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