Cedars-Sinai Cedars-Sinai software:

Cedars software is one of the most powerful specialized nuclear medicine software in the world. Cedars software as a heart image processing software is also well known among Iranian nuclear medicine specialists. Perhaps by difference, this software can be considered as the best software among various nuclear medicine imaging software, especially image processing in heart scans in the world, especially Iran.

On the Scan Teb website , we will introduce this software and its various sections and we will publish its video tutorials in the future.

Cedars Sinai Software processing step 1 Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Main page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software processing step Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

QGS + QPS – Little Gate + Perfusion SPECT

This section of Sedars software provides a measure of cardiac and quantitative perfusion performance using MPI data sets in git scanning and without cardiac gate: The volume of ED and ES, cardiac output (EF) and numbers and sizes associated with perfusion such as SSS/SRS/SDS and TPD are also obtained using this part of the Cedars software. Image information and data can be viewed in different modes, from selected slices in a 2D view to a 3D level presented from the heart with parametric maps (perfusion, motion, thickening and regional EF).

Cedars Sinai Software QPS Results Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Reviewing gated SPECT images on the Views page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software QGS Results Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software QGSQPS main window Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

QBS or small amount of spectrum images

The software uses Spect Bloodpool images with Git, automatically provides small amounts of left and right ventricular function such as heart vending, ED and ES volume and stroke volume. It also displays polarized motion maps or so-called motion plans and parametric surfaces.

Cedars Sinai Software QBS Slice page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software QBS Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

ARG – Automatic Reporting Producer

One of the capabilities of Sedars software according to the data base or comprehensive database available to Cedars company is cedars-Sinai reporting system, so that this reporting system can significantly improve the process in the nuclear medicine sector and help the physician to use this part in preparing the final report. The two main parts of this episode are ARG and QARG.

Cedars Sinai Software Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Autorikan or automatic image reconstruction

The software offers several automated processing modules for computer tomography studies with single photon or specter emissions.

Cedars Sinai AutoRecon Motion Page-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai AutoRecon Motion Page-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai AutoRecon Reorient Page-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai AutoRecon Reorient Page-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai AutoRecon Reconstruct Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Launching AutoRecon-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Cedars Software
Cedars Sinai AutoRecon -Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Cedars Software
Cedars Sinai Launching QGS+QPS with AutoRecon-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai Launching QGS + QPS with AutoRecon-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

MoCo – Motion Correction or Motion Correction in Cedars Software

Using this software can automatically and manually modify all artifacts obtained from Spect.

Cedars Sinai Motion Correction MOCO Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai Motion Correction MOCO-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai Motion Correction Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai Motion Correction-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

QPET – Quantitative PET

The latest feature added to the Sedars software, the PET Kinetics module provides coronary flow reserve storage values (CFR) and Myocardial Blood Flow (MBF) blood flow.
The software also provides automatic segmentation, quantitative measurement and automatic analysis of static and pet myocardial perfusion by PET by supporting short axis and transverse data sets.


The CSI section of the Cedars software allows you to transfer scans or studies and manage datasets on your computer. CSI 2017 (like the 2013 version) has a database architecture that provides a quick search in all your studies. Powerful tagging in Cedars software allows you to organize your data however you want without duplicating the data.

Cedars Sinai Software Importing data-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine
Cedars Sinai Software Importing data-Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

CSI still supports pulling data from DICOM Query/Retrieve and FTP servers as well as outdated systems, allowing DICOM cameras and workstations to transfer data to your computer and from CD or other removable media or from a data import network subscription. The highly applicable feature of this software for nuclear medicine specialists to present papers in conferences and lectures is the use of single clicks to hide the names of patients, which is very useful in these cases.

Cedars Sinai Software Surface Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Reviewing gated SPECT images on the Views page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software QPS Results Page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Splash page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Score Box Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software Phase Analysis Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Cedars Sinai Software QBS Slice page Scanteb Nuclear Medicine

Download Sedars software: