MRI during pregnancy
Is mri harmful to the fetus during pregnancy? This is one of the basic questions for pregnant mothers for whom mri scans are written.
During pregnancy, nothing is more important to the mother than the health of the child. A healthy pregnancy also depends on a healthy mother. If there are concerns about your health or that of your unborn child, there may be a need to do a scan to help diagnose and treat the mother or fetus.
But there is always the concern that performing the scan on its own may be damaging. Because fetal tissues are forming very, very sensitive and vulnerable and may be irreparable damage with the slightest external stimulation. But what should we pay attention to during pregnancy?

As you may know, although radiology scanning methods are generally considered safe, scans that do not use X-ray technology pose little risk. During pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid all scans that use radiation. Therefore, a woman with a child should not be subjected to any X-ray or CT scan. But what if a scan is required?
In the following, we are going to examine what should be considered essentially during pregnancy to minimize risk?
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
If you get sick during pregnancy, both you and your unborn child will get sick. Before treatment, your doctor should determine your medical needs and health conditions that may affect you and your fetus. Your doctor may want to prescribe an MRI scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test.
Why do you need an MRI?
If you have symptoms that require treatment or examination results that require explanation, but cannot wait until after childbirth, your doctor may prescribe an MRI. Therefore, the question arises whether mri is harmful to the fetus during pregnancy.
Mri Scan Alternatives
Ultrasound is the most common imaging test during pregnancy. In ultrasound, sound waves are used to produce images. However, if the ultrasound does not provide a clear answer, or if other parts of your body require more complete imaging, an MRI test may be needed to obtain the information your doctor needs.
CT scans or computerized tomography (CT) examinations may be performed safely during pregnancy. However, instead of using CT that uses X-rays, ultrasound or MRI is preferred.
Medical imaging during pregnancy
When evaluating fetal health, we use ultrasound technology, a completely safe and non-invasive method that provides detailed images of the fetus inside the mother’s abdomen. Pregnancy ultrasound is an excellent tool to check the health of the fetus. Ultrasound can also be useful in scanning other areas of the patient’s body if needed.
Sometimes, something is observed in an ultrasound that may require closer examination to the fetus. Or maybe the expectant mother is experiencing a problem and needs an internal scan. In such a case, it is very common to use MRI scans.
An MRI is a scan that uses radio waves and magnets to produce very complex images of the patient’s body. The MRI device uses coils to transmit radio waves, and the resulting signals create a series of cross-sectional images, creating a multidimensional understanding of the body’s tissues.
Because of the high quality that MRI images produce, it provides physicians with a very useful tool for diagnosis and treatment, which is very important for both the problems of the pregnant mother and the health concerns of the fetus.
An MRI takes a little longer than a CT scan or X-ray and may require oral contrast paint to help with imaging.
Is MRI safe for pregnant mothers?
Unlike X-rays and CT scans, MRI does not use ionizing radiation. This makes MRI scans ultimately safer because there are no risks of exposure to high-energy X-ray beams.
Several research studies have been conducted to assess the possible risks of MRI on pregnant women and their babies. As a result of these studies, no side effects have been definitely shown to result from MRI performed during pregnancy.
MRI is considered a safe test for pregnant women. However, to reduce the risks, an MRI during pregnancy is usually not performed until after the first trimester of pregnancy.
It is not a pleasant disease and an important disease during pregnancy can be particularly serious. However, the baby depends on the mother to stay healthy and continue her pregnancy. If helping the mother get better means undergoing an MRI test, then it will also be beneficial for the baby’s health.
The use of contrast materials for MRI imaging during pregnancy:
For some MRI examinations, a contrast agent called gadolinium should be injected into the vein of the arm.
While the contrast substance sometimes improves MRI images, it is not normally used during pregnancy. Contrast materials are only used for examination if it is necessary to answer your doctor’s questions.
Before surgery, a radiologist (a physician with expertise in medical imaging) is consulted to ensure that contrast is necessary.
MRI risks during pregnancy
There is no proven risk to pregnant women or unborn babies from an MRI examination. Over the past 30 years, thousands of pregnant women have undergone MRI examinations and no known harmful effects have been found for the fetus.
Therefore, due to fear of examination, mri examination, which is necessary for diagnosis of potentially serious or immediate disease of pregnant women, should not be refused. The most important factor for having a healthy child is ensuring that you have a healthy mother. The baby depends on the mother to stay well and finish her pregnancy.

So if we want to come to a single conclusion, we can say that no scans are usually allowed during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, other than ultrasound. Furthermore, if there are certain conditions for the mother or fetus that there was a pressing need for a more accurate scan, only a less risky (or with a safe approximation) is an MRI scan.
So if your doctor prescribes you an MRI scan, don’t worry at all and safely get an MRI scan of the scan.
It is not recommended to perform radiology and CT scans during pregnancy. And if your doctor prescribes these scans, be sure to talk to them about your concerns.
⦁ receiving the scan appointment:
Specialized website for scanning medicine for patients’ convenience to take an MRI scan turn to design the system Internet Appointments In this system, patients can choose the nearest medical imaging center nearby and by contacting them, they can experience the fastest method of receiving a scan appointment.
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