Introducing the best pet scan centers in Tehran and Karaj

Introducing the best pet scan centers in Tehran and Karaj

Pet imaging or PET Scan has become very popular among doctors today. Within our country, this type of imaging has become one of the most accurate, reliable and popular imaging methods. But unfortunately, the number of pet scan machines and pet scan centers in the country is very limited. Many patients are usually confused in recognizing and booking pet scans. In this article, we are going to introduce the best pet scan centers in Tehran.

First, in order to know what a pet scan is at all, we need to briefly introduce this type of imaging. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a nuclear medicine imaging that measures the metabolic activity of cells in the body’s tissues. In fact, pet scans are a combination of nuclear medicine and biochemical analysis, which is mostly used in patients with brain or heart disease and cancer. The difference between PET scans and other nuclear medicine tests is that PET detects metabolism in body tissues, while other types of nuclear medicine examinations detect the amount of a radioactive substance collected in body tissue at a specific location to check tissue function.

Pet Scan Machine of Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran

Pet scan devices are usually very expensive. Pet device is not available separately in the world and pet device always along with CT scan machine in combination pet-CT device. But it’s briefly called a pet scan. Therefore, it is necessary to know that many factors are involved in determining the quality of the device. In this paper, we are going to apply several important factors in determining the score for pet scan centers. The factors examined are as follows.

1- Quality and new pet CT center
2- Appointment waiting time
3- Access
4- Price
5- Medical facilities of the center
6- Facilities of the center

In this assessment, we have used these 6 criteria for scoring pet scan centers in Tehran.

The first center under investigation is Pet scan of Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran.

1- Pet CT Center of Masih Daneshvari Hospital

Masih Daneshvari Hospital located in Tajrish area in north of Tehran is one of the most equipped hospitals in the country and one of the most specialized hospitals in the field of pulmonary diseases. Pet Scan Center is located in the northern part of the complex. Pet CT Center is one of the newest and best Siemens brand devices. One of the main features of this center is having cyclotron next to the device, which reduces the need for this border to buy radiopharmaceuticals from outside the complex.

Pet Scan Center, Masih Daneshvari Hospital

With all these interpretations, we have listed the evaluation score of this pet CT boundary in the table below.

Facilities of the centerMedical facilities of the centerPricereach outQuality and new pet CT center deviceAppointment waiting timeEvaluation Criteria
6010050709070Points (out of 100 score)

Facilities of Pet Scan Center of Masih Daneshvari Hospital

2- Pet scan center of Khatam al-Anbia Hospital

Pet scan of Khatam al-Anbia Hospital in Tehran

Khatam al-Anbia Hospital PET CT machine is one of the newest pet CT machines in the country right now. This device was installed in 2017. The CT scan of this device is very high quality and 128 slices. For this purpose, it has a very high score in our review. Our other grades to this PET Imaging Center are listed in the table below:

Facilities of the centerMedical facilities of the centerPricereach outQuality and new pet CT center deviceAppointment waiting timeEvaluation Criteria
509050809070Points (out of 100 score)

Facilities of Pet scan center of Khatam al-Anbia Hospital in Tehran

3- PET-CT Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran

The Pet CT device of Imam Hospital is the newest pet scan device installed in Iran, which is one of the famous GE brands. The quality of this device is extremely high. Along with three spect devices and a yedtrapy center of Imam Khomeini Hospital, it has transformed the nuclear medicine unit of Imam Hospital into one of the most complete nuclear medicine centers in the country.

PET Scan Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran

Other facilities and criteria of this center are listed in the following table:

Facilities of the centerMedical facilities of the centerPricereach outQuality and new pet CT center deviceAppointment waiting timeEvaluation Criteria
4090708010060Points (out of 100 score)

Facilities of Pet Scan Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran

4- Message Scanning Center

Although the center is not located in Tehran and its location is located in Karaj, due to its proximity and the possibility of using it by Citizens of Tehran, it is listed in our evaluation list. In addition to its passive pet CT machine, the center also has cyclotron and mami pet and spect device. As a result, the nuclear medicine imaging facilities in this center are very complete. This private center is a very suitable environment for the patient’s peace and comfort.

Karaj Payam Pet Scan Center

Other assessments of the center and the scores obtained by the specialized team of medical scans are listed in the table below:

Facilities of the centerMedical facilities of the centerPricereach outQuality and new pet CT center deviceAppointment waiting timeEvaluation Criteria
1006080407090Points (out of 100 score)

Facilities of Pet Scan Payam Center in Karaj

5- Pet scan center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran

Shariati Hospital in Tehran is one of the oldest and most prestigious medical, research and educational centers in the country. The Pet Scan Center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran is also one of the oldest pet scan centers in the country. The presence of many specialists with medical history in this hospital has led to the promotion of scientific and therapeutic credentials of this center. Shariati Hospital Pet Scan Machine is a Siemens device with CT scan 2 slices that if the device is not new and up to the day but has the necessary quality to perform a variety of pet scans for all patients.

Pet scan center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran

In this review, we have done the scoring related to Pet Hospital Shariati as follows:

Facilities of the centerMedical facilities of the centerPricereach outQuality and new pet CT center deviceAppointment waiting timeEvaluation Criteria
509080806050Points (out of 100 score)


Facilities of Pet Scan Center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran

Conclusions and Conclusions

In this assessment, we intended to introduce the best pet imaging centers in Tehran in a comprehensive and equitable manner. The average scores obtained for these centers are as follows. This ranking may only give you an overview of each pet scan imaging facility, but keep in mind that each of these centers is unique and well-equipped in general. If we want to assess the scoring of the centers and rank the centers from the obtained chart, we can see the score of the centers as follows.

The result of evaluation of the best pet scan centers in Tehran is as follows:
1- Pet Scan Center of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Tehran
2- Pet scan center of Masih Daneshvari Hospital in Tehran
3- Pet scan center of Khatam al-Anbia Hospital in Tehran
4- Pet Scan Payam Karaj Center
5- Pet scan center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran

Pet scan centers in Tehran and Karaj

In this article, we reviewed all pet scan centers in Tehran and Karaj, which we hope to use the link to get the online pet turn through the scan platform to take the fastest pet scan and do not have the trouble of attending the centers and taking long-term turns. You can get your pet


from the scan via the link and get the pre-scan preparations from the same system to the center of your choice.

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